Margaret’s Five books of poems are Stars Above, Stars Below; In a Sheep’s Eye, Darling; Milk and Tides; Earth’s Appetite; and Between Us. The books have been prizewinners and bestsellers. Hasse is recipient of grants and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, McKnight Foundation, Loft Literary Center’s Career Initiative Program, Minnesota State Arts Board, and Jerome Foundation.
Hasse leads poetry workshops, mentors writers, and edits manuscripts, emcees a poetry reading series and welcomes opportunities to read, perform, and make presentations about her poetry, as well as to support and collaborate with artists and arts organizations. Her work has been published in anthologies (such as Where One Voice Ends, Another Begins: 150 Years of Minnesota Poetry, and To Sing Along the Way: Minnesota Women’s Voices from Pre-Territorial Day to the Present) magazines, broadsides, and unusual places, such as sidewalks, public art, and in The Writer’s Almanac.